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From Tadpole to Frog (My First Science Songs) de Steven Anderson,Marcin Piwowarski

Descripción - A frog starts as a tiny egg and transforms into a frog. Help children explore and understand the life cycle of a frog with this song and the picture book that goes along with it! Includes online music access. Biografía del autor Celebrated composer and pianist Steven C (a.k.a. Steven C. Anderson) fills his life with the gift of music. Through his passion and artistry, he delivers his music in a way that stirs both mind and heart. As a respected recording artist, Steven C has sold over 2 million CD's throughout his diverse musical endeavors. Classically trained and gifted with a keen ear and sensibility for all styles of music, Steven left a one of a kind footprint at Hamline University as he received his BA in music performance. Beyond being an esteemed 20 year performing artist, Steven also lends his talents to many outside venues, such as the Fitzgerald Theater, Minnesota Public Radio, as well as, countless musical groups and churches. He is also the producer for the award winning "Baby Genius" series. Additionally, Steven proudly, along with other venerable musicians as Tori Amos and Victor Borge, endorses the illustrious Bosendorfer grand piano. His cherished 9' instrument centers his home and recording studio on historic Summit Avenue.

Detalles del Libro

Autor: Steven Anderson,Marcin Piwowarski
Categoria: Libros,Infantil,Ciencia, naturaleza y cómo funciona
Tapa blanda: 24 páginas
Editor: CANTATA LEARNING (1 de marzo de 2015)
Colección: My First Science Songs
Idioma: Inglés
ISBN-10: 1632904578
ISBN-13: 978-1632904577

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